Sunday, 29 April 2012

2011 - 2012 Showreel

This is an updated version of my showreel:

I've been painting in my spare time, exploring colour and texture. It's nice to create something new thinking about traditional methods. I'm finding that it is helping me to improve my digital work.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Honours Project re-visited

Here is the link to my final animation of the Victim which I created for my honours project.

I plan to update this with better lighting and to work on the narration again. I have been wanting to do this for a while, but have been trying to think on ideas to improve it. I still think it would be nice to make a version which people could relate to without the narration.

Here is some of the advertising material I have for this project and a reminder of my showcase which I put so many hours into while working on the dissertation. It will also be getting a re - vamp. I think it is effective the way it is, but there is some tweaks I could make.

Link to the STV News feature on the 2011 showcase. (Skip to 9.10)

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Logo Idea 2 - AX Design

This is the final outcomes for the AX Design logo. I like the shapes and I think the colours work well together better in the first version. AX Design is a fictional company, I just want to continue creating different logo designs for the use of my portfolio. I really think it's something I would like to work on more.


This is my first attempt at a logo design in a long time with help from an Illustrator tutorial. Really pleased with the result and was really fun to make. I'm going to continue making more in my spare time while not working on other projects. Logo design is another area of interest to me. I think it's important to have a distinguished symbol within any company logo so that people will remember you.

Valcor - Concept 4 - Final developments

This is the new rough sketches for Valcor - My animatic is almost ready, just some more tweaks to make before posting it on here. I am just about half way there with my rough storyboard sequences for the first two scenes just to make sure the story is flowing the way I want.

I have started the build for the main environments including the tree of souls.

I've also been using online tutorials to try and get to grips with Illustrator and In-Design to keep up my typography and graphic design skills.